
Cantitatea de apă pe care corpul uman o conține se schimbă pe parcursul vieții. Atunci când începe să se „contureze”, fătul este format din aproximativ 95% apă, iar până se naște ajunge la 77%. Corpul uman adult conține între 60% și 70% apă. Majoritatea acestei ape, mai exact două treimi, se află în celule. De exemplu, o persoană de 70 de kg are în jur de 42 de litri de apă în corp.

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Maybe someone can help me. I want to create a website with a focus on current events in education. I plan to write from my website articles and even published literature. The articles I write will be reviews and criticisms from published articles. I am aware of the Fair Use Doctrine and I can write reviews and provide ‘fair and reasonable criticism’ without license or approval from the author’s original material as long as I cite and provide references to the original author. My website will also have either sponsors or advertise products within it. But not related directly to the articles I write. Most likely advertisement for products I like. For example, a particular software product I like. My question is: Just by having this website «for profit»; am I in violation of the Fair Use Doctrine or have a copyright infringement because my website is for profit from the published material I write …OR not because the material I write about is not in any way having a copyright infringement upon my sponsors or advertisements even though my website is for profit (In other words, is there any connection or relationship between my sponsors (or advertisements) and my published articles regarding copyright infringement with a for profit website)? Please reply. Thanks!.

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